
Get Organized In The New Year

Out with the old!

The new year is a great time to step back and reassess what is important. It is also the perfect time to tidy up and get organized. As a busy wife, mother, grandmother and professional, getting organized helps me stay on track and saves time. Here’s some ideas to get you started:

Monteith-Legault Real Estate GroupClean Up Closets

Closets are often overlooked during regular cleanings because but some of the best advice we tell our clients before listing their home is to organize and declutter their closets. Adequate closet space is important to many buyers and even if you don’t have plans to sell in 2018, a clean closet will make finding things easier. Plus, this is a great opportunity to get rid of mismatched and broken hangers as well as donate the clothes and items you never use or wear.

Try A Memo Board

Do you have a spot on the counter that always seems to pile up with discarded mail, bills or other items that aren’t ready to be recycled? Try installing a memo board in your pantry, coat closet or entry. This way you can save what is important in one easy spot and keep clutter off your counters.

Use A Family Calendar

Does your family use a shared calendar yet? A paper calendar in a central location in your home is a simple way to stay organized, however you may also want to try an electronic shared calendar. Calendar tools such as Apple Calendar, Google Calendar and Cozi are a great way

Clean Kitchen Cabinets and Drawers

Another task that is well worth the extra effort is to clean out the cabinets and drawers in your kitchen. Get rid of anything that is broken or that you never use and wipe out and sanitize the shelves and inside of drawers. If you are feeling ambitious, try to organize and declutter the junk drawer.

For more tips and tricks on how to get organized, or advice on staging or preparing your home for sale, contact us and we would be happy to help.

Smiles~ Marji